Palmetto State Rollergirls put wheels to the floor this weekend for their season opener

Palmetto State Rollergirls

The Palmetto State Rollergirls, South Carolina's oldest roller derby league, will host their season opener, “March Badness,” at the J. Bryan Floyd Community Center in North Myrtle Beach on Saturday, March 3, 2012 at 2 p.m.

The event is a double-header consisting of two games with Palmetto State Rollergirls’ All-Stars battling the Savannah Derby Devils followed by Palmetto State Rollergirls’ Beach Brawlers vs. Savannah’s B-Team. Each game has two 30-minute halves.  

Tickets are $10 in advance for adults and $6 for kids and seniors. You can purchase your tickets in advance online or from any member of the league. The price is $12 at the door.  A portion of the profits from this family-friendly event will be donated to the Caring in Our Lifetime, a local charity dedicated to supporting local breast cancer patients.

For more details about Saturday's games, have a look at the Facebook event page.  For more information about the Palmetto State Rollergirls, check out their website, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube

If you're interested in skating, fitness, and bruising, then listen up.  The league is currently recruiting new female skaters eighteen and older and volunteers, both male and female. Interested parties should visit the league’s website or send an email to for additional information.