Local filmmaker sets the scene at the Coffee Cave

Lights! Camera! Action!

Myrtle Beach’s Best kept Secret… the Coffee Cave, was recently a location for a local filmmaker Ken Cohen. The film, “My Face" just wrapped his new production. The short film is about attraction, intimacy, and a mask; the film explores how one couple, Lacie and Josh, make intimacy work. Lacie lets Josh wear a custom-made mask designed with features of her past lovers.

One scene was shot inside the Coffee Cave as the couple discussed their relationship and the mask. A second scene was shot outside using the store front window as the background. So unlike other movies, this wasn't a fake set. It was filmed in the Coffee Cave, a real coffee shop, right here in Myrtle Beach!

Make sure to visit the “My Face” Facebook page and of course head over to the Coffee Cave's page and click 'like' or if Twitter is more your thing, you can find us there as well. 

  • At the Coffee Cave, we treat our customers right. We honor local professionals and friends with 50% off beverages on designated days. On our website,  www.mycoffeecave.com, you can find the calendar for our daily specials. 

Thanks Ken for choosing the Coffee Cave for your film. Everyone in Myrtle Beach can’t wait to see it!