Strand Notebook | No-kill shelter needs help to open

Belinda Mairowicz is working hard to open the Kind Keeper Animal Rescue in North Myrtle Beach. Through the kindness of others, she is getting some help, but she mostly has been alone in her attempt to open the no-kill rescue.

She needs more help if she is going to get the doors of Kind Keeper open.

Mairowicz, who moved to North Myrtle Beach from New Jersey in 2009, said she has always had a passion for animals and helped many before moving. She has also helped some local ones find homes, including a cat named Tin Tin that lost part of its leg and a foot when someone started a car while she was warming under the hood.

Mairowicz said that Kind Keeper Animal Rescue Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charity eligible to receive tax-deductible donations. She rented a building at 1500 LD Drive, North Myrtle Beach, and has to do more remodeling.