@WBTW_RustyRay continues to push "HoCo" trend

Rusty Ray, a recent proud papa and WBTW anchor, has officially claimed responsibilty for "HoCo."

In fact, he's back at it this week and he's even getting support from fellow tweeters. While we could be persuaded to get on the HoCo train, it's going to be difficult trending against all those high school girls that are using the same term for their homecoming dances. 

First Report: Ah the 140 character limit. We've been there.


You've got a perfectly concise tweet composed but you're still over by a little bit. You've replaced "and" with "&" and rearranged sentences. Maybe you even resorted to "TXT talk" out of utter desperation.

Orrrrrrrr you coin a whole new local slang. WBTW tried that today when they smashed up the letter-heavy Horry County into "HoCo."

Since we monitor all the local news on your behalf, it caught our eye and immediately asked, "Is this something we want to encourage?"

What do you think HoCo residents?

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