Reshaping S.C. politics: Detailed 2010 Census data due this week (update: redistricting may marginalize blacks)

Image by Flickr user .m for matthijs

Update April 20: Talk is that South Carolina's redistricting marginalize the African-American population.

According to an article in the Charleston City Paper, the state's redistricting has created racial tensions that are being felt across the board. Check out the debate over here. 

Update April 18: North Charleston officials will be holding a meeting on Wednesday, April 20th, at 5 p.m. to discuss the redistricting of City Council seats that must occur due to the Census' recent population figures.

The meeting will cover why redistricting needs to take place, the procedure for redistricting, and the recent population growths and/or shifts.

The community meeting will take place at City Hall (2500 City Hall Lane).

The Post and Courier has more info about what to expect at the meeting; check it out here.

Update March 24: The numbers are in, and Summerville's explosion helped to make Dorchester County the fastest growing in the state.

You can explore the numbers for yourself in the interactive graphic below, but, in a nutshell, Charleston County edged closer to unseating Columbia's home as the largest in the state, the state became less rural, older, and much more hispanic.

For a thorough hashing of the numbers, I'll point you to The Post and Courier; read their report here.

And for why all this matters, read the paragraphs below.

First reporting: Data to be released by the U.S. Census Bureau this week will be key in drawing and weighting the political power in South Carolina for the next decade.

While it's well-known that our state is due to get a 7th congressional district due to a 15.3% population explosion, the big change coming is just where that growth happened, and that will dictate which parts of the state gain (or lose) influence. 

You can watch for that data to be released over here and in the embedded graphic below. 

If you'd prefer a bit more context, check out David Slade's piece over at The Post and Courier or our past report on the debate (and upcoming meetings).

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