Gas thieves go for boats

Image by flickr user Bay PhotographicImage by 20080630boats.jpg Gas thieves are looking to boats to avoid paying high prices at the pump.

As gas prices continue to rise, those looking for a free ride a targeting a new mode of transportation: boats. A local business owner tells The Post and Courier that he's noticed an increase in gas thieves siphoning fuel from boats.

From The Post and Courier:

"This is the first summer we've seen it, and we've seen four incidents of it in the last seven to 10 days," said Anthony Noury, owner and general manager of Sea Tow of Charleston.

Thefts have occurred from boats parked in driveways, docked at marinas and stored in neighborhood facilities, Noury said.

Sea Tow delivered gas Saturday afternoon to a man who had 60 gallons siphoned out of his 21-foot Sea Fox parked in his driveway off Glenn McConnell Parkway, Noury said.

What will be next? Lawn mowers?

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