Bike racks in Charleston: Find one, or tell of one

Image by flickr user moguphotosImage by 20080703bikes.jpg Charleston has a shortage of proper places to lock up bikes. Find the few we have, or help others find their way.

A map on Google Maps aims to locate all the bike racks in the Charleston area. So, not only is it a handy way to find bike racks in town, but look and see if any you know of are missing. If they are, follow the directions on the map and add them. You'll be doing us all a service.

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Oh, and we've already added the racks from the city's King Street Bicycle Parking Brochure.

The project is part of Brian Graham's master's paper in urban planning at Clemson, the paper aims to be a bike/pedestrian plan for the City of Charleston. And, if you're interested in helping Graham out (and maybe Charleston's biking and walking situation) read Charleston Moves blog post on what local information he needs for his master's paper.