Baby loggerhead turtles of Litchfield going viral

Flickr User: USFWS/Southeast
Video from last years Litchfield hatchlings on Aug 11, 2011

Photos of baby loggerhead sea turtles hatching and scuttling their way to the Atlantic are all over the Internet this morning. 

The photos are of volunteers helping the little guys find their way to the ocean down in Litchfield Beach. The volunteers were from an organization that was founded in 1990 called S.C.U.T.E, the South Carolina United Turtle Enthusiasts, who are a group of volunteers dedicated to sea turtle conservation in Horry and Georgetown counties.

According to Buzzfeed, "Both Loggerhead Turtles And Green Turtles Are Highly Endangered, So They Need As Much Help As Possible." Additionally reports that, 

Turtle volunteers walk the area's beaches along South Carolina's coast daily during the nesting season, looking for signs of turtle activity and keeping tabs on the progress of the endangered species of turtles that lay their eggs along the coast.

Find out more about S.C.U.T.E over on their Facebook page also hop on over to BuzzFeed and for photos of the little one braving the mean 'ol world for the first time. 


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