Welcome to the Open Community

Welcome to Charleston's Open Community!

When logged in you should now see a red block in the top left. That box has handy ways to add new content and track your efforts. 

We're hoping that one day soon much of TheDigitel will be written and improved by people like you, so thanks for helping. 

Here's a few pointers:

Talk about things you think a lot of other locals would be interested in.
You're welcome to plug your own event and business, but keep it fair and don't spam.  
Remember that your post will be reviewed prior to appearing on the site.
Remember your username is your brand name. People that write better and make better edits will get more privledges and be better respected by other users.

Now that you've been armed with all that knowledge, go on and submit something.

And don't forget that you have a personal page that serves as your calling card and a blog of all your posts.

Thanks so much for helping enrich the community. 

-- TheDigitel's Open Community project

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