On the Charleston economy of today, tomorrow, and yesterday

Image by Flickr user Drewski2112 An economy once all about military now looks to the skies for manufacturing and energy jobs.

Charleston Magazine has put together a lengthy, but condensed, story about Charleston's economy today and where local leaders think it is heading, and, of course, not forgetting to address "why."

And, for good measure, the magazine has compared all that with where folks were thinking the economy was headed back in 1979.

Liking this story requires two factors, 1) that you're interested in what's playing out in Charleston's economy, and 2) you haven't really been following along all that closely.

Still, it's nice to see folks take a couple steps back and asses the state of things.

Take a read over here.

You can read more stories about this subject on our economy topic page (or for you brave souls, try out our beta page for just stories about the economy and Charleston.)

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