"Happy Being Nappy" on the Grand Strand

Photo by Grand Strand Naturals

Grand Strand Naturals is a resource that is open to the community and the goal is to help each other…one natural at a time.

Eighteen months ago I made the decision to "go natural."  For those who don’t know what that means, simply put, I decided that I would no longer chemically straighten my hair by using a relaxer. After 30 years of getting relaxers the decision to go natural was surprisingly easy… but the journey has not been. 

My biggest challenge has been finding products that work for my hair in the Grand Strand area.  I have become pretty much addicted to watching YouTube natural hair channels and reading natural hair blogs.  Because of this, I have been able to find products that work well in my hair; however, many of those products are only sold in larger markets (i.e. New York, Atlanta, LA, DC...).  Of course ordering them online is an option but many of the products themselves are expensive and the additional cost of shipping leaves me thinking..."Wow, do I really want to spend $30  for some hair gel???"

This dilemma left me asking, “Am I the only one with this problem in the Myrtle Beach?"   I see a lot of "naturals" around town and I've been tempted to go up to them and ask, "What are you using in your hair?"  "Do you have a hard time finding products?" 


The search for products and the need for camaraderie with other naturals sparked the idea of starting a local natural hair community.  Out of this desire Grand Strand Naturals was birthed. Grand Strand Naturals is a local network for women on the Grand Strand that have natural hair. It is a place to connect as local area “naturals” collaborate and sometimes commiserate about their natural hair journeys.  It is a place to engage by “liking” the Grand Strand Naturals Facebook Fan page, following Grand Strand Naturals on Twitter and interacting on the Grand Strand Naturals blog site (myrtlebeachnaturals.com). And it is a place to inform and be informed by exchanging product tips, sharing styling ideas and planning meet ups to share stories and experiences.