Painting out the scenarios for a 7th S.C. district, and what it means for Beaufort

It's already been discussed how South Carolina's population increase of some 15.3 percent to 4.6 million residents in the past 10 years will likely lead to a 7th congressional district that will shake things up for Joe Wilson -- but it will also mean things for Beaufort and its regional alliances. 

If you didn't already know, Beaufort is part of the 2nd Congressional District which, as the map shows above, is a rather odd cut of state linking us with the wholly different midlands and Columbia. 

Today The Island Packet has penned a column about how the redistricting is a chance for us to be linked more appropriately with our costal neighbors -- people that are far more likely to share our desires and interests of tourism, environment, and coastal issues like shipping and water quality; read the column here.

Both of the possible scenarios that have been painted thus far would link Beaufort County with Charleston over Columbia; view those maps here.

Fun trivia: South Carolina used to have nine congressional districts

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