Legislative slip puts ban on alcohol licenses for special events, festivals (update: fixed!)

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Update February 1: Though it took a few weeks into the 2011 Legislative session, lawmakers have successfully pushed through a temporary fix. 

That fix is joint resolution 3728 and it was signed by Gov. Nikki Haley on January 27 and allows for "no restrictions on the types of applicants or organizations that may apply for a special fifteen-day beer and wine permit." 

At least until June 30, when the lawmakers hope to have a more thought out fix to last year's flub. 

The Post and Courier also has a post on this, so if you'd like more depth, head here.

First reporting: Some unintended edits to an existing law are causing trouble in alcohol license paradise.

Legislative oversight has effectively banned temporary alcohol licenses needed for festivals and special events that are not inside a licensed facility and it will go into effect on January 1st. As of the new year only nonprofits will have the ability to secure temporary alcohol licenses

Legislation has already been introduced to fix the mistake, however, the legislature doesn't reconvene until January 11th.

On the upside there aren't too many outdoor events that would need alcohol permits from January 1 to 11, but if a fix can't be made quickly, it could be disastrous. 

The Charleston City Paper has an informational post the dilemma, read it here, and The Island Packet also has a worthy report; read that here

Update January 3: The Post and Courier has penned a thorough follow on the matter and hopes of a speedy fix come January 11; take a read here.

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