County leaders wonder: How long until Beaufort County is forced to raise taxes? (update: The Bluffton Today has their say)

Flickr user romainguy
How long until there's nothing to cut?

Update May 18: The Bluffton Today has issued an editorial in the day's edition of the newspaper, making clear the downsides of the new local government that is shaping out of the continued dwindling of the restricted state and local budgets.

The new era of limited government, they say, while may be appealing to some at first, will undoubtedly result in fewer county programs that many are taking for granted.

First reporting: Looking to slash Beaufort County's spending and again not allowing the school district to raise taxes, county leaders are beginning to wonder how long they can hold a no-tax-increase line in the face of falling revenues. 

The thinking is: There's a minimum level of service required, but what is it, and how far from the bottom are we now. 

Head on over to Bluffton Today for a rundown on what's up.

It's a half-philisophic and half very-real exploration that could well shape the future of Beaufort County for a very long time.

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